Peacemaker Series Is Suicide Squad Sequel
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Peacemaker Series Is Suicide Squad Sequel

The Judge

Is the upcoming Peacemaker HBO Max series a sequel to The Suicide Squad? James Gunn reveals all.

In an interesting reveal, James Gunn recently confirmed that the upcoming Peacemaker show will actually be a rather unique way of providing fans with a sequel to The Suicide Squad movie that was released in theaters and HBO Max recently. John Cena returns as the titular character and will play Christopher Smith aka Peacemaker. His mission in life is to achieve peace by any means necessary, even if it means killing numerous people in the process – however that’s supposed to work! We all got to find out more about Peacemaker when he made his debut in Task Force X in the latest Suicide Squad movie. The movie begins by depicting Peacemaker to be a somewhat dim-witted and violent character. However, as the film progresses, we learn that there is more to this character than meets the eye.

At the end of The Suicide Squad, we learn that Amanda Waller has given Peacemaker his own mission of ensuring that all evidence of Project Starfish is destroyed and that it doesn’t see the light of day. In a shocking twist of events, Peacemaker ends up murdering Rick Flag who is played by Joel Kinnerman. Idris Elba’s Bloodsport then seemingly ends Peacemaker’s life, and his mission, by shooting Peacemaker in the neck.

The post credits scene for the movie eventually reveal that Peacemaker didn’t actually die from the wound that was inflicted by Bloodsport’s bullet. As a result, this nicely sets the audience up for the upcoming HBO Max eight part series, which is scheduled to be released in the first quarter of 2022. We’ve received reports that suggest the Peacemaker series will explore both the character’s past and present, allowing audiences to understand more about the character and what makes him tick in the unique way that he does.

The Peacemaker series will see Christopher Smith embark on a whole new mission and James Gunn has confirmed it is a sort of spiritual sequel to The Suicide Squad. James Gunn responded to a fan question on twitter to confirm this. You can read the full tweet below:

The trajectory that the Suicide Squad franchise has taken so far is already rather convoluted, with the most recent iteration providing fans with a ‘soft reboot’ of sorts. So, it comes as no surprise that the sequel to The Suicide Squad is popping up in a rather unconventional manner itself – in the form of a TV series as opposed to a traditional theatrical release. Peacemaker is one of the only surviving members from Task Force X, with Bloodsport, King Shark, Ratcatcher 2 and Harley Quinn also making it out alive. It should be fun to see how the story of each of these misfits plays out over the coming years, and we’re looking forward to getting started with Peacemaker in a few months time.

It hasn’t been confirmed whether any of these surviving members may make an appearance in the Peacemaker series, and it will be interesting to see if/how they fit in when the series finally releases on HBO Max very soon. Gunn’s version of the Suicide Squad has been praised and generally well received by critics and audiences alike. The upcoming Peacemaker show will provide Gunn with an opportunity to flesh out his vision even further and give audiences an idea of where he wants to take the franchise next.

I’m sure it goes without saying that fans of the recent Suicide Squad movie are looking forward to find out more about Peacemaker and his interesting quirks, just as soon as we’re able to press that play button on HBO Max.

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