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Onward Review

The Judge

Updated: May 16, 2020

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Onward’s A List cast make this movie stand out from the word go. You have Tom Holland playing Lightfoot, a teenage elf struggling with teenager issues. To add to his melancholy, Lightfoot is also struggling with the regret of not ever being able to meet his father who died before his birth


Enter Ian – Lightfoot’s loose cannon older brother (played expertly by Chris Pratt). Ian is Lightfoot’s next best option for a father figure, and not a great one at that on the face of it.

The boys’ mother gifts them a magic staff on Ian’s birthday which allows them to bring their father back to life for one day. Things don’t quite go according to plan, however, and this is where our adventure begins.

The Good

Onward tackles with the theme of losing a parent. A very serious subject matter for an animated movie no doubt. This theme alone fills this movie with a tremendous amount of heart and soul. The stakes involved are high, something viewers will easily get invested in and want to see out from start to finish

To lighten the mood, as you’d expect a Pixar movie to do, there is a lot of humour sprinkled across the movie to keep us all smiling throughout our elven friends’ journey. There is tremendous chemistry between the brothers, and the bizarre challenges they face throughout the journey is sure to bring plenty of laughs.

The animation in this movie is predictably top notch. The action scenes are visually stunning and pop out from the screen. This coupled with the tremendous detail that has been applied to the character models really works to bring the Onward universe to life.

The Not So Good

There’s not really much to dislike about this movie. If I’m being nitpicky, I’d say that the movie probably takes 20 minutes or so to establish a mood and direction. You’re left feeling unsure at first, but those feelings disappear once the plotline completely kicks in.

The Verdict

In typical Pixar fashion, Onward hits the big screens with a great blend of their trademark humour, action and heart. Viewers will go on a fantastic rollercoaster ride of emotions and ultimately settle in a place of complete satisfaction by the end. On par with their other popular motion pictures, another job very well done by Pixar.

Judge's Score


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