Matt Reeves is trying to bring Batman and Gotham to life in the most realistic way possible. Read on to see what James Gordon actor Jeffrey Wright had to say.
Jeffrey Wright will play Commissioner Gordon in the upcoming The Batman movie, and he has revealed that Gotham City in the new movie will be different to all other versions of this iconic fictional city that we’ve previously seen on screen. Ben Affleck was originally contracted to reboot Batman’s solo adventures on the big screen – both as director and actor. However, he left the project in 2017 and Warner Bros made the decision to appoint Matt Reeves to take over the directorial duties.
Matt Reeves appointed Twilight’s Robert Pattinson to don the cape and cowl, and the new movie is set to focus on Batman’s early crime fighting days. It’s been strongly rumoured that The Batman will focus heavily on Batman’s detective skills, which is something we haven’t seen too much of in previous movies. This could possibly lead to the movie leaning more towards being a psychological thriller, rather than the usual blockbuster action movie we’re used to seeing when Batman hits the big screen.
The Batman is currently scheduled to release in March 2022, however that date could now be up in the air due to the fact that production had to be halted at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic last year. Matt Reeves has shed some light on his inspiration for the direction of The Batman movie. Reeves stated his work on The Batman has been influenced by movies such as Chinatown, The French Connection, Taxi driver and a lot of work produced by Alfred Hitchcock. Comics like Year One and The Long Halloween have also steered Reeves into taking the movie in a certain direction.
IndieWire recently sat down with Jeffrey Wright, who confirmed that the Gotham we’re going to see in The Batman will be nothing like what we’ve experienced before. It appears that Matt Reeves has opted to reflect Gotham City as a more realistic urban environment, and audiences will be able to relate to real life locations. Wright also praised Reeves for being able to incorporate themes of class war and political corruption into The Batman. Below is what Jeffrey Wright said:
“I saw the themes around corruption and class tensions and all of the things that he wanted to bring from the outside into this world so it had some relevance. It’s bringing fiction into non-fiction in a way that’s balanced and really cool. Gotham City is unlike Gothams we’d seen before. It was a Gotham we could touch. The way the Batmobile was described, I understood the aesthetic we were going for was something really palpable. If you squint your eyes in some backstreet of New York, you could see it appear.”
The Batman is shaping up to be quite a movie with a varied cast. The Batman will see Zoe Kravitz play Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Colin Farrell will play the part of Penguin and Andy Serkis will play Alfred. Paul Dano will play the part of the Riddler who is set to serve as the main antagonist in The Batman. We’ve not seen much of these characters in any promotional material yet, as Warner Bros has only released one teaser trailer so far. However, a new trailer for The Batman will be released on October 16 2021 during the DC FanDome event. We should all be able to get a better look at what we’re in store for next March when the new trailer drops.
Reeves has previously stated that he wants to make The Batman a believable, which is in line with Jeffrey Wright’s description of what the new Gotham City will look and feel like to audiences on screen. Expectation and anticipation for the movie continues to build, and we only have to wait a few months longer to see if Matt Reeves has hit a home run with his depiction of the caped crusader.
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